
Advances in recent years have made molecular dynamics (MD) simulations a powerful tool in molecular-level research, allowing the prediction of experimental observables in the study of systems such as proteins, drug targets or membranes. The quality of any prediction based on MD results will, however, strongly depend on the validity of underlying physical assumptions.

This package is intended to help detect (sometimes hard-to-spot) unphysical behavior of simulations, which may have statistically important influence on their results. It is part of a two-fold approach to increase the robustness of molecular simulations.

First, it empowers users of MD programs to test the physical validity on their respective systems and setups. The tests range from simple post-processing analysis to more involved tests requiring additional simulations. These tests can significantly increase the reliability of MD simulations by catching a number of common simulation errors violating physical assumptions, such as non-conservative integrators, deviations from the specified Boltzmann ensemble, or lack of ergodicity between degrees of freedom. To make usage as easy as possible, parsers for the outputs of several popular MD programs are provided

Second, it can be integrated in MD code testing environments. While unphysical behavior can be due to poor or incompatible choices of parameters by the user, it can also originate in coding errors within the program. Physical validation tests can be integrated in the code-checking mechanism of MD software packages to facilitate the detection of such bugs. The physical_validation package is currently used in the automated code-testing facility of the GROMACS software package, ensuring that every major releases passes a number of physical sanity checks performed on selected representative systems before shipping.


The physical validation tests have been described in [Merz2018].


We are always looking to enlarge our set of tests. If you are a MD user or developer and have suggestions for physical validity tests missing in this package, we would love to hear from you! Please consider getting in touch with us via our github repository.



The most recent release of physical_validation can be installed from PyPI via pip

pip install physical_validation


The most recent release of physical_validation can also be installed using conda

conda install -c conda-forge physical_validation

Development version

The latest version is available on our github repository. You can install it via pip

pip install git+

Simulation data

The data of simulations to be validated are represented by objects of the SimulationData type.

The SimulationData objects contain information about the simulation and the system. This information is collected in objects of different classes, namely:

The different physical validation tests do not all require all data to be able to run. Each physical_validation function checks whether the required information was provided, and raises an error if the information is insufficient. Data contained in SimulationData objects lists by which tests the single members of SimulationData are required.

The SimulationData objects can either be constructed directly from arrays and numbers, or (partially) automatically via parsers. The preferred way to populate SimulationData objects is by assigning its sub-objects explicitly with data obtained from the simulation package. Many simulation packages have a well-defined Python interface which allows to read observable, position and velocity trajectories into Python data structures. The remaining information, such as details on the simulated ensemble or the molecular system, is usually rather easy to fill in by hand. The examples in this documentation follow this model.

Please see Creation of SimulationData objects for more details on the SimulationData type and on how to create objects from results obtained from different simulation packages.

Kinetic energy validation

Kinetic energy validation includes testing the likelihood of a trajectory to originate from the theoretically expected gamma distribution and validating the temperature equipartition between groups of degrees of freedom. For details on the employed algorithms, please check the respective function documentations.

For both the full distribution test and the equipartition test, a strict and a non-strict version are available. They are triggered using the strict=[True|False] keyword. The strict version does a full distribution similarity analysis using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. The K-S test returns a p-value indicating the likelihood that the sample originates from the expected distribution. Its sensitivity increases with increasing sample size, and can flag even the smallest deviations from the expected distribution at large sample sizes. When developing or implementing new temperature control algorithms in a controlled testing environment which keeps errors from other sources negligible, such a high sensibility is desirable. In other applications, however, a deviation insignificant in comparison with other sources of inaccuracies might be enough to flag long simulation trajectories of large systems as not having a gamma distribution. For example, deviations from the desired kinetic energy distribution that are smaller in magnitude than other well-controlled approximations, such as the interaction cutoff or the treatment of bond constraints, might be enough to flag large samples as not being properly distributed.

As an alternative to the strict test, the physical_validation suite offers the non-strict version. In this case, the mean and the standard deviation of the sample are calculated and compared to the expected values. To make the test easily interpretable, two distinct temperatures \(T_\mu\) and \(T_\sigma\) are estimated from the kinetic energy distribution. They represent the temperature at which the sample mean and standard would be physically expected. An error estimate computed via bootstrapping of the provided kinetic energy samples is given for each of the temperatures, giving information on the statistical significance of the results.

For more details about the difference between the strict test and non-strict test, please see physical_validation.kinetic_energy.distribution().

Full system distribution validation

Function reference



Kinetic energy distribution example

Equipartition validation

Function reference



Kinetic energy equipartition example

Ensemble validation

As the distribution of configurational quantities like the potential energy \(U\), the volume \(V\) or (for the grand and semigrand canonical ensembles) the number of each species \(N_i\) are in general not known analytically, testing the likelihood of a trajectory sampling a given ensemble is less straightforward than for the kinetic energy. However, generally, the ratio of the probability distribution between samplings of the same system generated at different state points (e.g. simulations run at at different temperatures or different pressures) is exactly known for each ensemble [Merz2018], [Shirts2013]. Providing two simulations at different state points therefore allows a validation of the sampled ensemble.

Note that the ensemble validation function is automatically inferring the correct test based on the simulation input data (such as temperature and pressure) that are given as input.

Choice of the state points

As the above ensemble tests require two simulations at distinct state points, the choice of interval between the two points is an important question. Choosing two state points too far apart will result in poor or zero overlap between the distributions, leading to very noisy results (due to sample errors in the tails) or a breakdown of the method, respectively. Choosing two state points very close to each others, on the other hand, makes it difficult to distinguish the slope from statistical error in the samples.

A rule of thumb states [Shirts2013] that the maximal efficiency of the method is reached when the distance between the peaks of the distributions are roughly equal to the sum of their standard deviations. For most systems with the exception of extremely small or very cold systems, it is reasonable to assume that the difference in standard deviations between the state points will be negligable. This leads to two ways of calculating the intervals:

Using calculated standard deviations: Given a simulation at one state point, the standard deviation of the distributions can be calculated numerically. The suggested intervals are then given by

  • \(\Delta T = 2 k_B T^2 / \sigma_E\), where \(\sigma_E\) is the standard deviation of the energy distribution used in the test (potential energy, enthalpy, or total energy).

  • \(\Delta P = 2 k_B T / \sigma_V\), where \(\sigma_V\) is the standard deviation of the volume distribution.

Using physical observables: The standard deviations can also be estimated using physical observables such as the heat capacity and the compressibility. The suggested intervals are then given by:

  • \(\Delta T = T (2 k_B / C_V)^{1/2}\) (NVT), or \(\Delta T = T (2 k_B / C_P)^{1/2}\) (NPT), where \(C_V\) and \(C_P\) denote the isochoric and the isobaric heat capacities, respectively.

  • \(\Delta P = (2 k_B T / V \kappa_T)\), where \(\kappa_T\) denotes the isothermal compressibility.

When setting verbosity >= 1 in physical_validation.ensemble.check(), the routine is printing an estimate for the optimal spacing based on the distributions provided. Additionally, physical_validation.ensemble.estimate_interval() calculates the estimate given a single simulation result. This can be used to determine at which state point a simulation should be repeated in order to efficiently check its sampled ensemble.

Function reference




Ensemble validation example

Integrator Validation

A symplectic integrator can be shown to conserve a constant of motion (such as the energy in a microcanonical simulation) up to a fluctuation that is quadratic in time step chosen. Comparing two or more constant-of-motion trajectories realized using different time steps (but otherwise unchanged simulation parameters) allows a check of the symplecticity of the integration. Note that lack of symplecticity does not necessarily imply an error in the integration algorithm, it can also hint at physical violations in other parts of the model, such as non-continuous potential functions, imprecise handling of constraints, etc.




Integrator convergence example


Merz PT, Shirts MR (2018) “Testing for physical validity in molecular simulations”, PLOS ONE 13(9): e0202764.


Shirts, M.R. “Simple Quantitative Tests to Validate Sampling from Thermodynamic Ensembles”, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2013, 9 (2), pp 909–926,