Source code for

#                                                                         #
#    physical_validation,                                                 #
#    a python package to test the physical validity of MD results         #
#                                                                         #
#    Written by Pascal T. Merz <>                       #
#               Michael R. Shirts <>           #
#                                                                         #
#    Copyright (c) 2017-2021 University of Colorado Boulder               #
#              (c) 2012      The University of Virginia                   #
#                                                                         #
Data structures carrying simulation data.
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from ..util import error as pv_error
from ..util.util import array_equal_shape_and_close

[docs]class RectangularBox: def __init__(self, box: np.ndarray): self.__box = None self.__nframes = 0 assert 0 < box.ndim < 3 if box.ndim == 1: assert box.size == 3 self.__box = box self.__nframes = 1 elif box.ndim == 2: assert box.shape[1] == 3 self.__box = box self.__nframes = box.shape[0] @property def box(self): return self.__box
[docs] def gather( self, positions: np.ndarray, bonds: List[List[int]], molec_idx: List[int] ): bonds = np.array(bonds) if bonds.size == 0: return positions positions = np.array(positions) assert 1 < positions.ndim < 4 if positions.ndim == 2: nframes = 1 positions = np.array([positions]) else: nframes = positions.shape[0] if self.__nframes != 1: assert self.__nframes == nframes for f in range(nframes): p = positions[f] if self.__nframes > 1: box = self.__box[f] else: box = self.__box[0] assert len(bonds) == len(molec_idx) for mbonds, idx in zip(bonds, molec_idx): for b in mbonds: a1 = idx + b[0] a2 = idx + b[1] p[a2] += np.round((p[a1] - p[a2]) / box) * box positions[f] = p return positions
[docs]class TrajectoryData(object): r"""TrajectoryData: The position and velocity trajectory along the simulation The full trajectory is needed to calculate the equipartition of the kinetic energy. As they are used in connection, the position and velocity trajectories are expected to have the same shape and number of frames. The position and velocity trajectories can be accessed either using the getters of an object, as in * trajectory.position * trajectory.velocity or using the key notation, as in * trajectory['position'] * trajectory['velocity'] """
[docs] @staticmethod def trajectories() -> Tuple[str, str]: return "position", "velocity"
def __init__(self, position: Optional[Any] = None, velocity: Optional[Any] = None): self.__position = None self.__velocity = None self.__nframes = None self.__natoms = None self.__getters = { "position": TrajectoryData.position.__get__, "velocity": TrajectoryData.velocity.__get__, } self.__setters = { "position": TrajectoryData.position.__set__, "velocity": TrajectoryData.velocity.__set__, } # Consistency check assert set(self.__getters.keys()) == set(self.__setters.keys()) assert set(self.__getters.keys()) == set(TrajectoryData.trajectories()) if position is not None: self.position = position if velocity is not None: self.velocity = velocity def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: if key not in self.trajectories(): raise KeyError return self.__getters[key](self) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: if key not in self.trajectories(): raise KeyError self.__setters[key](self, value) def __check_value(self, value: Any, key: str) -> np.ndarray: value = np.array(value) if value.ndim == 2: # create 3-dimensional array value = np.array([value]) if value.ndim != 3: raise pv_error.InputError([key], "Expected 2- or 3-dimensional array.") if self.__nframes is None: self.__nframes = value.shape[0] elif self.__nframes != value.shape[0]: raise pv_error.InputError( [key], "Expected equal number of frames as in all trajectories." ) if self.__natoms is None: self.__natoms = value.shape[1] elif self.__natoms != value.shape[1]: raise pv_error.InputError( [key], "Expected equal number of atoms as in all trajectories." ) if value.shape[2] != 3: raise pv_error.InputError( [key], "Expected 3 spatial dimensions (#frames x #atoms x 3)." ) return value @property def position(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Get position""" return self.__position @position.setter def position(self, pos: Any) -> None: """Set position""" self.__position = self.__check_value(pos, "position") @property def velocity(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Get velocity""" return self.__velocity @velocity.setter def velocity(self, vel: Any) -> None: """Set velocity""" self.__velocity = self.__check_value(vel, "velocity") def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if type(other) is not type(self): return False return ( array_equal_shape_and_close(self.__position, other.__position) and array_equal_shape_and_close(self.__velocity, other.__velocity) and self.__nframes == other.__nframes )