Source code for physical_validation.util.kinetic_energy

#                                                                         #
#    physical_validation,                                                 #
#    a python package to test the physical validity of MD results         #
#                                                                         #
#    Written by Pascal T. Merz <>                       #
#               Michael R. Shirts <>           #
#                                                                         #
#    Copyright (c) 2017-2021 University of Colorado Boulder               #
#              (c) 2012      The University of Virginia                   #
#                                                                         #
This module contains low-level functionality of the
`physical_validation.kinetic_energy` module. The functions in this module
should generally not be called directly. Please use the high-level
functions from `physical_validation.kinetic energy`.
import warnings
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats

from ..util import trajectory
from . import plot

[docs]def is_close( value1: float, value2: float, relative_tolerance: float = 1e-09, absolute_tolerance: float = 1e-09, ) -> bool: r""" Whether two float values are close, as defined by a given relative and absolute tolerance. """ return abs(value1 - value2) <= max( relative_tolerance * max(abs(value1), abs(value2)), absolute_tolerance )
[docs]def check_distribution( kin: np.ndarray, temp: float, ndof: float, kb: float, verbosity: int, screen: bool, filename: Optional[str], ene_unit: Optional[str], temp_unit: Optional[str], data_is_uncorrelated: bool, ) -> float: r""" Checks if a kinetic energy trajectory is Maxwell-Boltzmann distributed. .. warning: This is a low-level function. Additionally to being less user-friendly, there is a higher probability of erroneous and / or badly documented behavior due to unexpected inputs. Consider using the high-level version based on the SimulationData object. See physical_validation.kinetic_energy.check_mb_ensemble for more information and full documentation. Parameters ---------- kin Kinetic energy snapshots of the system. temp Target temperature of the system. Used to construct the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. ndof Number of degrees of freedom in the system. Used to construct the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. kb Boltzmann constant :math:`k_B`. verbosity 0: Silent. 1: Print minimal information. 2: Print result details. 3: Print additional information. screen Plot distributions on screen. filename Plot distributions to `filename`. If `None`, no plotting. ene_unit Energy unit - used for output only. temp_unit Temperature unit - used for output only. data_is_uncorrelated Whether the provided data is uncorrelated. If this option is set, the equilibration, decorrelation and tail pruning of the trajectory is skipped. This can speed up the analysis, but note that if the provided data is correlated, the results of the physical validation checks might be invalid. Returns ------- result The p value of the test. See Also -------- physical_validation.kinetic_energy.distribution : High-level version """ # Discard burn-in period and time-correlated frames kin = trajectory.prepare( kin, verbosity=verbosity, name="Kinetic energy", skip_preparation=data_is_uncorrelated, ) kt = kb * temp if ndof <= 0: warnings.warn("Zero degrees of freedom!") p = float("NaN") else: d, p = stats.kstest(kin, "gamma", (ndof / 2, 0, kt)) # ====================== # # Plot to screen or file # # ====================== # do_plot = screen or filename is not None if do_plot: ana_dist = stats.gamma(ndof / 2, scale=kt) ana_kin = np.linspace(ana_dist.ppf(0.0001), ana_dist.ppf(0.9999), 200) ana_hist = ana_dist.pdf(ana_kin) tunit = "" if temp_unit is not None: tunit = temp_unit data = [ { "y": kin, "hist": True, "args": dict(label="Trajectory", density=True, alpha=0.5), } ] if ndof > 0: data.append( { "x": ana_kin, "y": ana_hist, "args": dict(label="Analytical T=" + str(temp) + tunit, lw=5), } ) unit = "" if ene_unit is not None: unit = " [" + ene_unit + "]" plot.plot( data, legend="lower left", title="Kinetic energy distribution", xlabel="Kinetic energy" + unit, ylabel="Probability [%]", sci_x=True, percent=True, filename=filename, screen=screen, ) if verbosity > 0: if verbosity > 1: message = ( "Kinetic energy distribution check (strict)\n" "Kolmogorov-Smirnov test result: p = {:g}\n" "Null hypothesis: Kinetic energy is Maxwell-Boltzmann distributed".format( p ) ) else: message = "p = {:g}".format(p) print(message) return p
[docs]def check_mean_std( kin: np.ndarray, temp: float, ndof: float, kb: float, verbosity: int, bs_repetitions: int, bootstrap_seed: Optional[int], screen: bool, filename: Optional[str], ene_unit: Optional[str], temp_unit: Optional[str], data_is_uncorrelated: bool, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: r""" Calculates the mean and standard deviation of a trajectory (+ bootstrap error estimates), and compares them to the theoretically expected values. .. warning: This is a low-level function. Additionally to being less user-friendly, there is a higher probability of erroneous and / or badly documented behavior due to unexpected inputs. Consider using the high-level version based on the SimulationData object. See physical_validation.kinetic_energy.check_mb_ensemble for more information and full documentation. Parameters ---------- kin Kinetic energy snapshots of the system. temp Target temperature of the system. Used to construct the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. ndof Number of degrees of freedom in the system. Used to construct the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. kb Boltzmann constant :math:`k_B`. verbosity 0: Silent. 1: Print minimal information. 2: Print result details. 3: Print additional information. bs_repetitions Number of bootstrap samples used for error estimate. bootstrap_seed Sets the random number seed for bootstrapping. If set, bootstrapping will be reproducible. If `None`, bootstrapping is non-reproducible. screen Plot distributions on screen. filename Plot distributions to `filename`. If `None`, no plotting. ene_unit Energy unit - used for output only. temp_unit Temperature unit - used for output only. data_is_uncorrelated Whether the provided data is uncorrelated. If this option is set, the equilibration, decorrelation and tail pruning of the trajectory is skipped. This can speed up the analysis, but note that if the provided data is correlated, the results of the physical validation checks might be invalid. Returns ------- result Distance of the estimated T(mu) and T(sigma) from the expected temperature, measured in standard deviations of the estimates. See Also -------- physical_validation.kinetic_energy.distribution : High-level version """ # Discard burn-in period and time-correlated frames kin = trajectory.prepare( kin, verbosity=verbosity, name="Kinetic energy", skip_preparation=data_is_uncorrelated, ) if ndof <= 0: warnings.warn("Zero degrees of freedom!") # ========================== # # Compute mu and sig of data # # ========================== # kt = temp * kb loc = 0 ana_shape = ndof / 2 ana_scale = kt ana_dist = stats.gamma(ana_shape, loc=loc, scale=ana_scale) if ndof > 0: temp_mu = 2 * np.mean(kin) / (ndof * kb) temp_sig = np.sqrt(2 / ndof) * np.std(kin) / kb else: temp_mu = 0 temp_sig = 0 # ======================== # # Bootstrap error estimate # # ======================== # if bootstrap_seed is not None: np.random.seed(bootstrap_seed) mu = [] sig = [] for k in trajectory.bootstrap(kin, bs_repetitions): mu.append(np.mean(k)) sig.append(np.std(k)) std_mu = np.std(mu) std_sig = np.std(sig) if ndof > 0: std_temp_mu = 2 * std_mu / (ndof * kb) std_temp_sig = np.sqrt(2 / ndof) * std_sig / kb else: std_temp_mu = 0 std_temp_sig = 0 # ====================== # # Plot to screen or file # # ====================== # do_plot = screen or filename is not None if do_plot: ana_kin = np.linspace(ana_dist.ppf(0.0001), ana_dist.ppf(0.9999), 200) ana_hist = ana_dist.pdf(ana_kin) tunit = "" if temp_unit is not None: tunit = temp_unit data = [ { "y": kin, "hist": True, "args": dict(label="Trajectory", density=True, alpha=0.5), } ] if ndof > 0: data.append( { "x": ana_kin, "y": ana_hist, "args": dict(label="Analytical T=" + str(temp) + tunit, lw=5), } ) unit = "" if ene_unit is not None: unit = " [" + ene_unit + "]" plot.plot( data, legend="best", title="Kinetic energy distribution", xlabel="Kinetic energy" + unit, ylabel="Probability [%]", sci_x=True, percent=True, filename=filename, screen=screen, ) # ================ # # Output to screen # # ================ # if verbosity > 0: eunit = "" if ene_unit is not None: eunit = " " + ene_unit tunit = "" if temp_unit is not None: tunit = " " + temp_unit if verbosity > 1: message = ( "Kinetic energy distribution check (non-strict)\n" "Analytical distribution (T={2:.2f}{0:s}):\n" " * mu: {3:.2f}{1:s}\n" " * sigma: {4:.2f}{1:s}\n" "Trajectory:\n" " * mu: {5:.2f} +- {7:.2f}{1:s}\n" " T(mu) = {9:.2f} +- {11:.2f}{0:s}\n" " * sigma: {6:.2f} +- {8:.2f}{1:s}\n" " T(sigma) = {10:.2f} +- {12:.2f}{0:s}".format( tunit, eunit, temp, ana_dist.mean(), ana_dist.std(), np.mean(kin), np.std(kin), std_mu, std_sig, temp_mu, temp_sig, std_temp_mu, std_temp_sig, ) ) else: message = ( "T(mu) = {1:.2f} +- {3:.2f}{0:s}\n" "T(sigma) = {2:.2f} +- {4:.2f}{0:s}".format( tunit, temp_mu, temp_sig, std_temp_mu, std_temp_sig ) ) print(message) # ============= # # Return values # # ============= # nan = float("NaN") if ndof > 0: r1 = np.abs(temp - temp_mu) / std_temp_mu r2 = np.abs(temp - temp_sig) / std_temp_sig else: r1 = nan r2 = nan return r1, r2
[docs]def check_equipartition( positions: np.ndarray, velocities: np.ndarray, masses: np.ndarray, molec_idx: np.ndarray, molec_nbonds: np.ndarray, natoms: int, nmolecs: int, temp: float, kb: float, strict: bool, ndof_reduction_tra: float, ndof_reduction_rot: float, molec_groups: Optional[List[np.ndarray]], random_divisions: int, random_groups: int, random_division_seed: Optional[int], ndof_molec: Optional[List[Dict[str, float]]], kin_molec: Optional[List[List[Dict[str, float]]]], verbosity: int, screen: bool, filename: Optional[str], ene_unit: Optional[str], temp_unit: Optional[str], bootstrap_seed: Optional[int], data_is_uncorrelated: bool, ) -> Tuple[ Union[List[float], List[Tuple[float, float]]], List[Dict[str, float]], List[List[Dict[str, float]]], ]: r""" Checks the equipartition of a simulation trajectory. .. warning: This is a low-level function. Additionally to being less user-friendly, there is a higher probability of erroneous and / or badly documented behavior due to unexpected inputs. Consider using the high-level version based on the SimulationData object. See physical_validation.kinetic_energy.check_equipartition for more information and full documentation. Parameters ---------- positions : array-like (nframes x natoms x 3) 3d array containing the positions of all atoms for all frames velocities : array-like (nframes x natoms x 3) 3d array containing the velocities of all atoms for all frames masses : array-like (natoms x 1) 1d array containing the masses of all atoms molec_idx : array-like (nmolecs x 1) Index of first atom for every molecule molec_nbonds : array-like (nmolecs x 1) Number of bonds for every molecule natoms Number of atoms in the system nmolecs Number of molecules in the system temp Target temperature of the simulation. kb Boltzmann constant :math:`k_B`. strict If True, check full kinetic energy distribution via K-S test. Otherwise, check mean and width of kinetic energy distribution. ndof_reduction_tra Number of center-of-mass translational degrees of freedom to remove. ndof_reduction_rot Number of center-of-mass rotational degrees of freedom to remove. molec_groups : List[array-like] (ngroups x ?), optional List of 1d arrays containing molecule indeces defining groups. Useful to pre-define groups of molecules (e.g. solute / solvent, liquid mixture species, ...). If None, no pre-defined molecule groups will be tested. *Note:* If an empty 1d array is found as last element in the list, the remaining molecules are collected in this array. This allows, for example, to only specify the solute, and indicate the solvent by giving an empty array. random_divisions Number of random division tests attempted. random_groups Number of groups the system is randomly divided in. random_division_seed Seed making the random divisions reproducible. If `None`, random divisions not reproducible ndof_molec Pass in the degrees of freedom per molecule. Slightly increases speed of repeated analysis of the same simulation run. kin_molec Pass in the kinetic energy per molecule. Greatly increases speed of repeated analysis of the same simulation run. verbosity Verbosity level, where 0 is quiet and 3 very chatty. screen Plot distributions on screen. Default: False. filename Plot distributions to `filename`. If `None`, no plotting. ene_unit Energy unit - used for output only. temp_unit Temperature unit - used for output only. bootstrap_seed Sets the random number seed for bootstrapping (if strict=False). If set, bootstrapping will be reproducible. If `None`, bootstrapping is non-reproducible. data_is_uncorrelated Whether the provided data is uncorrelated. If this option is set, the equilibration, decorrelation and tail pruning of the trajectory is skipped. This can speed up the analysis, but note that if the provided data is correlated, the results of the physical validation checks might be invalid. Returns ------- result : List[float] or List[Tuple[float]] If `strict=True`: The p value for every test. If `strict=False`: Distance of the estimated T(mu) and T(sigma) from the expected temperature, measured in standard deviations of the respective estimate, for every test. ndof_molec : List[dict] List of the degrees of freedom per molecule. Can be saved to increase speed of repeated analysis of the same simulation run. kin_molec : List[List[dict]] List of the kinetic energy per molecule per frame. Can be saved to increase speed of repeated analysis of the same simulation run. See Also -------- physical_validation.kinetic_energy.check_equipartition : High-level version """ dict_keys = [ "total", "translational", "rotational and internal", "rotational", "internal", ] result = [] # ========================== # # Compute molecular energies # # ========================== # # for each molecule, calculate total / translational / rotational & internal / # rotational / internal degrees of freedom # returns: List[dict] of floats (shape: nmolecs x 5 x 1) if ndof_molec is None: ndof_molec = calc_ndof( natoms, nmolecs, molec_idx, molec_nbonds, ndof_reduction_tra, ndof_reduction_rot, ) # for each frame, calculate total / translational / rotational & internal / # rotational / internal kinetic energy for each molecule if kin_molec is None: with ThreadPool() as p: kin_molec = p.starmap( calc_molec_kinetic_energy, [ (r, v, masses, molec_idx, natoms, nmolecs) for r, v in zip(positions, velocities) ], ) # =============================== # # Check system-wide equipartition # # =============================== # result.extend( test_group( kin_molec=kin_molec, ndof_molec=ndof_molec, nmolecs=nmolecs, temp=temp, kb=kb, dict_keys=dict_keys, strict=strict, group=None, verbosity=verbosity, screen=screen, filename=filename, ene_unit=ene_unit, temp_unit=temp_unit, bootstrap_seed=bootstrap_seed, data_is_uncorrelated=data_is_uncorrelated, ) ) # ==================================== # # Check equipartition in random groups # # ==================================== # if random_division_seed is not None: np.random.seed(random_division_seed) for i in range(random_divisions): # randomly assign a group index to each molecule group_idx = np.random.randint(random_groups, size=nmolecs) # create molecule index for each group groups = [] for rg in range(random_groups): groups.append(np.arange(nmolecs)[group_idx == rg]) # test each group separately for rg, group in enumerate(groups): if verbosity > 0: print("Testing randomly divided group {:d}".format(rg)) if verbosity > 3: print(group) result.extend( test_group( kin_molec=kin_molec, ndof_molec=ndof_molec, nmolecs=nmolecs, temp=temp, kb=kb, dict_keys=dict_keys, strict=strict, group=group, verbosity=verbosity, screen=screen, filename=filename, ene_unit=ene_unit, temp_unit=temp_unit, bootstrap_seed=bootstrap_seed, data_is_uncorrelated=data_is_uncorrelated, ) ) # ======================================== # # Check equipartition in predefined groups # # ======================================== # # use predefined group division? # if no groups, return if not molec_groups: return result, ndof_molec, kin_molec # is last group empty? last_empty = not molec_groups[-1] # get rid of empty groups molec_groups = [g for g in molec_groups if g] # if no groups now (all were empty), return now if not molec_groups: return result, ndof_molec, kin_molec if last_empty: # last group is [] -> insert remaining molecules combined = [] for group in molec_groups: combined.extend(group) molec_groups.append(np.array([m for m in range(nmolecs) if m not in combined])) for mg, group in enumerate(molec_groups): if verbosity > 0: print("Testing predifined divided group {:d}".format(mg)) if verbosity > 3: print(group) result.extend( test_group( kin_molec=kin_molec, ndof_molec=ndof_molec, nmolecs=nmolecs, temp=temp, kb=kb, dict_keys=dict_keys, strict=strict, group=group, verbosity=verbosity, screen=screen, filename=filename, ene_unit=ene_unit, temp_unit=temp_unit, bootstrap_seed=bootstrap_seed, data_is_uncorrelated=data_is_uncorrelated, ) ) return result, ndof_molec, kin_molec
[docs]def calc_ndof( natoms: int, nmolecs: int, molec_idx: np.ndarray, molec_nbonds: np.ndarray, ndof_reduction_tra: float, ndof_reduction_rot: float, ) -> List[Dict[str, float]]: r""" Calculates the total / translational / rotational & internal / rotational / internal degrees of freedom per molecule. Parameters ---------- natoms Total number of atoms in the system nmolecs Total number of molecules in the system molec_idx Index of first atom for every molecule molec_nbonds Number of bonds for every molecule ndof_reduction_tra Number of center-of-mass translational degrees of freedom tobremove. ndof_reduction_rot Number of center-of-mass rotational degrees of freedom to remove. Returns ------- ndof_molec List of dictionaries containing the degrees of freedom for each molecule Keys: ['total', 'translational', 'rotational and internal', 'rotational', 'internal'] """ # check whether there are monoatomic molecules: nmono = (np.array(molec_idx[1:]) - np.array(molec_idx[:-1]) == 1).sum() # ndof to be deducted per molecule # ndof reduction due to COM motion constraining ndof_com_tra_pm = ndof_reduction_tra / nmolecs ndof_com_rot_pm = ndof_reduction_rot / (nmolecs - nmono) ndof_molec = [] # add last idx to molec_idx to ease looping molec_idx = np.append(molec_idx, [natoms]) # loop over molecules for idx_molec, (idx_atm_init, idx_atm_end) in enumerate( zip(molec_idx[:-1], molec_idx[1:]) ): natoms = idx_atm_end - idx_atm_init nbonds = molec_nbonds[idx_molec] ndof_tot = 3 * natoms - nbonds - ndof_com_tra_pm - ndof_com_rot_pm ndof_tra = 3 - ndof_com_tra_pm ndof_rni = ndof_tot - ndof_tra ndof_rot = 3 - ndof_com_rot_pm ndof_int = ndof_tot - ndof_tra - ndof_rot if is_close(ndof_int, 0, absolute_tolerance=1e-09): ndof_int = 0 if natoms == 1: ndof_tot = 3 - ndof_com_tra_pm ndof_tra = 3 - ndof_com_tra_pm ndof_rni = 0 ndof_rot = 0 ndof_int = 0 ndof_molec.append( { "total": ndof_tot, "translational": ndof_tra, "rotational and internal": ndof_rni, "rotational": ndof_rot, "internal": ndof_int, } ) return ndof_molec
[docs]def calc_molec_kinetic_energy( pos: np.ndarray, vel: np.ndarray, masses: np.ndarray, molec_idx: np.ndarray, natoms: int, nmolecs: int, ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: r""" Calculates the total / translational / rotational & internal / rotational / internal kinetic energy per molecule. Parameters ---------- pos : nd-array (natoms x 3) 2d array containing the positions of all atoms vel : nd-array (natoms x 3) 2d array containing the velocities of all atoms masses : nd-array (natoms x 1) 1d array containing the masses of all atoms molec_idx : nd-array (nmolecs x 1) Index of first atom for every molecule natoms Total number of atoms in the system nmolecs Total number of molecules in the system Returns ------- kin Dictionary of lists containing the kinetic energies for each molecule Keys: ['total', 'translational', 'rotational and internal', 'rotational', 'internal'] """ # add last idx to molec_idx to ease looping molec_idx = np.append(molec_idx, [natoms]) # calculate kinetic energy kin_tot = np.zeros(nmolecs) kin_tra = np.zeros(nmolecs) kin_rni = np.zeros(nmolecs) kin_rot = np.zeros(nmolecs) kin_int = np.zeros(nmolecs) # loop over molecules for idx_molec, (idx_atm_init, idx_atm_end) in enumerate( zip(molec_idx[:-1], molec_idx[1:]) ): # if monoatomic molecule if idx_atm_end == idx_atm_init + 1: v = vel[idx_atm_init] m = masses[idx_atm_init] kin_tot[idx_molec] = 0.5 * m *, v) kin_tra[idx_molec] = kin_tot[idx_molec] kin_rni[idx_molec] = 0 kin_rot[idx_molec] = 0 kin_int[idx_molec] = 0 continue # compute center of mass position, velocity and total mass com_r = np.zeros(3) com_v = np.zeros(3) com_m = 0 # loop over atoms in molecule for r, v, m in zip( pos[idx_atm_init:idx_atm_end], vel[idx_atm_init:idx_atm_end], masses[idx_atm_init:idx_atm_end], ): com_r += m * r com_v += m * v com_m += m # total kinetic energy is straightforward kin_tot[idx_molec] += 0.5 * m *, v) com_r /= com_m com_v /= com_m # translational kinetic energy kin_tra[idx_molec] = 0.5 * com_m *, com_v) # combined rotational and internal kinetic energy kin_rni[idx_molec] = kin_tot[idx_molec] - kin_tra[idx_molec] # compute tensor of inertia and angular momentum inertia = np.zeros((3, 3)) angular_mom = np.zeros(3) # loop over atoms in molecule for r, v, m in zip( pos[idx_atm_init:idx_atm_end], vel[idx_atm_init:idx_atm_end], masses[idx_atm_init:idx_atm_end], ): # relative positions and velocities rr = r - com_r rv = v - com_v rr2 =, rr) # inertia tensor: # (i,i) = m*(r*r - r(i)*r(i)) # (i,j) = m*r(i)*r(j) (i != j) atm_inertia = -m * np.tensordot(rr, rr, axes=0) for i in range(3): atm_inertia[i][i] += m * rr2 inertia += atm_inertia # angular momentum: r x p angular_mom += m * np.cross(rr, rv) # angular velocity of the molecule: inertia^{-1} * angular_mom angular_v =, angular_mom) kin_rot[idx_molec] = 0.5 *, angular_mom) kin_int[idx_molec] = kin_rni[idx_molec] - kin_rot[idx_molec] # end loop over molecules return { "total": kin_tot, "translational": kin_tra, "rotational and internal": kin_rni, "rotational": kin_rot, "internal": kin_int, }
[docs]def group_kinetic_energy( kin_molec: Dict[str, np.ndarray], nmolecs: int, molec_group=Optional[Iterable[int]] ) -> Dict[str, float]: r""" Sums up the partitioned kinetic energy for a given group or the entire system. Parameters ---------- kin_molec Partitioned kinetic energies per molecule. nmolecs Total number of molecules in the system. molec_group Indices of the group to be summed up. `None` defaults to all molecules in the system. Returns ------- kin : dict Dictionary of partitioned kinetic energy for the group. """ # kin = { "total": 0, "translational": 0, "rotational and internal": 0, "rotational": 0, "internal": 0, } # if molec_group is None: molec_group = range(nmolecs) # loop over molecules for idx_molec in molec_group: for key in kin.keys(): kin[key] += kin_molec[key][idx_molec] return kin
[docs]def group_ndof( ndof_molec: List[Dict[str, float]], nmolecs: int, molec_group=Optional[Iterable[int]], ) -> Dict[str, float]: r""" Sums up the partitioned degrees of freedom for a given group or the entire system. Parameters ---------- ndof_molec Partitioned degrees of freedom per molecule. nmolecs Total number of molecules in the system. molec_group Indeces of the group to be summed up. None defaults to all molecules in the system. Returns ------- ndof : dict Dictionary of partitioned degrees of freedom for the group. """ # ndof = { "total": 0, "translational": 0, "rotational and internal": 0, "rotational": 0, "internal": 0, } # if molec_group is None: molec_group = range(nmolecs) # loop over molecules for idx_molec in molec_group: for key in ndof.keys(): ndof[key] += ndof_molec[idx_molec][key] return ndof
[docs]def test_group( kin_molec: List[Dict[str, np.ndarray]], ndof_molec: List[Dict[str, float]], nmolecs: int, temp: float, kb: float, dict_keys: List[str], strict: bool, group: Optional[Iterable[int]], verbosity: int, screen: bool, filename: Optional[str], ene_unit: Optional[str], temp_unit: Optional[str], bootstrap_seed: Optional[int], data_is_uncorrelated: bool, ) -> Union[List[float], List[Tuple[float, float]]]: r""" Tests if the partitioned kinetic energy trajectory of a group (or, if group is None, of the entire system) are separately Maxwell-Boltzmann distributed. Parameters ---------- kin_molec Partitioned kinetic energies per molecule for every frame. ndof_molec Partitioned degrees of freedom per molecule. nmolecs Total number of molecules in the system. temp Target temperature of the simulation. kb Boltzmann constant :math:`k_B`. dict_keys List of dictionary keys representing the partitions of the degrees of freedom. strict If True, check full kinetic energy distribution via K-S test. Otherwise, check mean and width of kinetic energy distribution. group Indices of the group to be tested. `None` defaults to all molecules in the system. verbosity Verbosity level, where 0 is quiet and 3 very chatty. screen Plot distributions on screen. filename Plot distributions to `filename`. If `None`, no plotting. ene_unit Energy unit - used for output only. temp_unit Temperature unit - used for output only. bootstrap_seed Sets the random number seed for bootstrapping (if strict=False). If set, bootstrapping will be reproducible. If `None`, bootstrapping is non-reproducible. data_is_uncorrelated Whether the provided data is uncorrelated. If this option is set, the equilibration, decorrelation and tail pruning of the trajectory is skipped. This can speed up the analysis, but note that if the provided data is correlated, the results of the physical validation checks might be invalid. Returns ------- result p value for every partition (strict) or tuple of distance of estimated T(mu) and T(sigma) for every partition (non-strict) """ # save the partitioned kinetic energy trajectories group_kin = {key: [] for key in dict_keys} ndof = group_ndof(ndof_molec, nmolecs, group) # loop over frames for k in kin_molec: frame_kin = group_kinetic_energy(k, nmolecs, group) for key in dict_keys: group_kin[key].append(frame_kin[key]) result = [] # test total, translational, rotational and internal, rotational, int if verbosity > 0: message = "Equipartition: Testing group-wise kinetic energies (" if not strict: message += "non-" message += "strict)" print(message) for key in dict_keys: if verbosity > 1: print("* " + key + ":") if filename is None: fn = None else: fn = key.replace(" ", "_") + "_" + filename if ndof[key] < 1e-9: print("No {:s} degrees of freedom in this group".format(key)) continue if strict: res = check_distribution( kin=group_kin[key], temp=temp, ndof=ndof[key], kb=kb, verbosity=int(verbosity > 1), screen=screen, filename=fn, ene_unit=ene_unit, temp_unit=temp_unit, data_is_uncorrelated=data_is_uncorrelated, ) else: res = check_mean_std( kin=group_kin[key], temp=temp, ndof=ndof[key], kb=kb, verbosity=int(verbosity > 1), screen=screen, filename=fn, ene_unit=ene_unit, temp_unit=temp_unit, bs_repetitions=200, bootstrap_seed=bootstrap_seed, data_is_uncorrelated=data_is_uncorrelated, ) result.append(res) return result